Book recommendations covers for June 2024
Book Reviews

Monthly Book Recommendations: June 2024

Welcome to our monthly book recommendations post for June! Last month was a busy one with visiting bookshops (you can see where we want and what we bought on our social media), but we still found time to knock out a few fantastic non-fiction books, graphic novels, and picture books. Here’s what we read in June 2024!

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Book recommendations covers for April 2024
Book Reviews

Monthly Book Recommendations: April 2024

Welcome to our second monthly book recommendations post! April was a busy month for us and books, with so many different topics and stories passing through our hands. Here’s what we read during April 2024!

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Book recommendations covers for March 2024
Book Reviews

Monthly Book Recommendations: March 2024

Welcome to our first monthly book recommendations post! We realised that we read SO many books that we simply don’t have time to fully review, but still want to share with the world. So going forward, we’re hoping to do a post at the start of each month, covering what we read last month. Here’s our books from March 2024!

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Cover of Roots of Happiness for review. Image shows a tree, with multicoloured leaves and swirling roots. Amongst the branches and roots there are words. At the base of the tree, a greyhound digs a hole, while a young boy flies a kite.
Book Reviews

Non-Fiction November | Roots of Happiness | Book Review

Written by Susie Dent, illustrated by Harriet Hobday (Puffin Books, 2023)

We have so many words for sad thoughts and emotions, which means it is much easier for us to moan rather than celebrate. In fact, many more positive words did once exist, but they have been left behind over the centuries, and others have been forgotten altogether.

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Loki book cover, showing a black circle with horns and the word 'Loki' in it, surrounded by doodles and scribbles of various things and people on an orange background.
Book Reviews

Loki: A Bad God’s Guide to Being Good | Book Review

By Louie Stowell (published by Walker Books, 2022)

In which case I may as well be honest in these pages. There’s a first time for everything.

My tragedy began with a trick involving the goddess Sif, her long, golden locks, a pair of scissors and an ill-timed nap. I’ll spare you the details, but let’s just say that no one in Asgard can take a joke. Or a haircut.

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Graphic Novels Autumn 2022 review book covers
Book Reviews

Graphic Novels for Autumn 2022 | Reviews

Graphic novels are a great way to get reluctant readers to pick up a book; from Dog Man to Alex Rider, they have kick-started many reading journeys. So I decided to try a few I hadn’t read yet for our newest review selection.

All entries in this round-up are illustrated in full colour.

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May 2021 review round-up book covers
Book Reviews

Libraries 4 Schools 2021 Review Round-Up 2

Welcome to our most recent review round-up, where we take a quick look at just some of the books you might like to add to your school or personal bookshelves. And what a great selection we have for you!

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Candy book cover
Book Reviews

Candy | Book Review

By Lavie Tidhar, with illustrations by Mark Beech (Scholastic Children’s Books)

“If I’d ever thought about it before, I imagined the candy trade was just a game, a handful of chocolates at a time, but this shocked me – the scale of it was much bigger than I’d expected. It didn’t feel so much like a game, all of a sudden.”

Continue reading “Candy | Book Review”