Book recommendations covers for June 2024
Book Reviews

Monthly Book Recommendations: June 2024

Welcome to our monthly book recommendations post for June! Last month was a busy one with visiting bookshops (you can see where we want and what we bought on our social media), but we still found time to knock out a few fantastic non-fiction books, graphic novels, and picture books. Here’s what we read in June 2024!

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The Haunting of Tyrese Walker review book cover
Book Reviews

The Haunting of Tyrese Walker | Young Adult Book Review

By J.P. Rose (published by Andersen Press)

They began to walk back down the track but Tyrese glanced over his shoulder towards the trees on the mountainside. Even though it was hot and humid, he shivered, his skin tingling. Why couldn’t he shake off the feeling that something or…someone was watching him?

Continue reading “The Haunting of Tyrese Walker | Young Adult Book Review”