Book recommendations covers for Sep 2024
Book Reviews

Monthly Book Recommendations: September 2024

Welcome to our monthly book recommendations post for September!

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Book cover for review shows a dark-haired girl with her hood up and wearing a dark green cloak riding a pale horse. Behind her sits another young girl with long blond curls and a red cape flowing behind them. She's looking back over her shoulder, with her arms clasped around the girl in front. The background is green with floating leaves, the title 'Not for the Faint of Heart' written above them in gold.
Book Reviews

Not for the Faint of Heart | Young Adult Book Review

By Lex Croucher (Bloomsbury, 2024)

‘It wasn’t meant to be violent,’ Mariel said reluctantly.
‘The kidnapping,’ Mariel snapped. ‘I may have been overzealous with my instructions. It was just meant to be…fast.’
‘Ah, yes. A nice clean abduction, with proper attention paid to the procedures.’
‘Stop being so dramatic. You’re just on loan.’
‘You shouldn’t kidnap innocent people, Captain,’ Clem said sharply. ‘People might get the wrong idea about you and your merry mates.’

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Book recommendations covers for August 2024
Book Reviews

August 2024 Book Recommendations

August has been a busy month, what with travelling (and maybe seeing a few bookshops on the way!), as well as prepping for our next big giveaway. We always find time to fit in a few books here and there though!

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Book cover for review shows a stream flowing through a green forest, the trees dappled with gold. Along the bank three children walk, their aims outstretched for balance. In the middle, over the stream between the trees on either bank, the title 'The Worlds We Leave Behind' is picked out in gold.
Book Reviews

The Worlds We Leave Behind | Book Review

Written by A. F. Harrold and illustrated by Levi Pinfold (pub. Bloomsbury Children’s Books, 2024)

And only now did he really wonder at the oddness of everything.
Only now?
This woman who spoke so strangely.
This cottage in a clearing that couldn’t possibly fit in the woods he knew.
The rain that was drumming on the windows from heavy dark clouds that hadn’t been there twenty minutes earlier.
Oddness held the door open for fear to step in.
‘I think I’d best get going,’ he said.

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Book recommendations covers for summer 2024
Book Reviews

Summer 2024 Book Recommendations

Hurrah for summer! A time to relax, rejuvenate, and read, read, read. Here we share just some of the many brilliant books we’ve enjoyed this summer so far.

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Book cover for review shows a girl standing in a room as the wall in front of her explodes into pixelated darkness, with the title 'The Last Life of Lori Mills' in multicoloured print in the centre.
Book Reviews

The Last Life of Lori Mills | Book Review

By Max Boucherat (pub. HarperCollins Children’s Books, 2024)

I am sure, I am certain, I am one million per cent certain: the last time I played, that door wasn’t there. I would have noticed it. ANY player would notice if their bedroom door randomly appeared in Voxminer.

And it IS my bedroom door.

Not RoaryCat11’s bedroom door from her castle in Kittentopia, but a perfect copy of my actual door in actual real life.

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Book recommendations covers for June 2024
Book Reviews

Monthly Book Recommendations: June 2024

Welcome to our monthly book recommendations post for June! Last month was a busy one with visiting bookshops (you can see where we want and what we bought on our social media), but we still found time to knock out a few fantastic non-fiction books, graphic novels, and picture books. Here’s what we read in June 2024!

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Nine Night Mystery book cover for review
Book Reviews

The Nine Night Mystery | Book Review

By Sharna Jackson (pub. Puffin Books, 2024)

I’m at our neighbour Rachel’s house in her room. I just dropped a paintbrush she asked me for on her floor, and she didn’t do or say anything when it rolled under the bed.

Not because she’s asleep or lazy.

But because she’s dead.

Rachel Kohl. Dead in her bed.

Continue reading “The Nine Night Mystery | Book Review”
Book recommendations covers for May 2024
Book Reviews

Monthly Book Recommendations: May 2024

Welcome to our third monthly book recommendations post! For some reason, last month was picture book heavy, though with a good mix of non-fiction and fiction – and many of them carry important messages we can all benefit from. Here’s what we read during May 2024!

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